Enough with the intro...It's Time

I believe you will need to know a lil bit about me before you begin this odyssey. I was born Jameyel Ontonio Johnson, an 11 pound baby born to a beautiful, fair-skinned, backwoods N. Carolina native on Labor Day (how ironic!) in 1984. I have two sisters, and my parents are still together after 30-somethin years. I was four years old when my musical gift from God manifested itself in the form of defiance and Beethoven's 5th symphony. My sister had been takin piano lessons for a couple of years at the time and I wasnt really allowed to bother her while she was playing, but for some reason one day, I REALLY wanted to play! I had never played before, but I just knew deep down in my soul that I could play what she was playing. After a swift pop on the bottom, my mother sent me back to my room. Crushed, I waited until her lesson was over and everyone was going to bed before I crept back in the room where the piano was. I struggled a little bit climbing up the previously mountainous piano bench, and slowly opened the piano. There were no music sheets on the mantle, no notes, and no teachers. There was only a memory that had been there ever since my sister was playing...and it wouldn't go away until I played it! So I sat there, four years old, and played what I had heard (Beethoven's 5th symphony) by ear! My mother promptly told my sister to go to bed, thinking she was up playing when she wasnt supposed to be, but when the playing didnt stop, she marched in the room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her young son smiling at her while continuing to play. The next week, I was in lessons too! I stayed in lessons for around 8 years, but NEVER learned how to read music!!! How? (to be continued...)
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