Yea I know...we both look horrible. Theres something behind Rick's head that makes it look like he has a mohawk so he looks like Mr. T! I must say that he puts on a very entertaining show! Anyway, the university I'm attending right now has decided to become a stumbling block on my way to graduation. This has nothing to do with my grades in any course, but they figure if I can't afford to go here...i'll drop out. They've got another thing comin! Ive been here WAY too long to not leave with a diploma. Granted, I have lots of options, it just doesnt seem right to go through 5 years of college in an engineering related field and not have something to show for it. One day, life wont be this complicated. Someone asked me what I would do if I had a billion dollars. Well, when I really thought about it, the only thing that would change if I had money would be the places I made music. I would love to say "yea man I made this beat at the top of Mt. Everest!" or "I made my album in the rainforest!"...I guess thats why people call me weird. My sister is coming home from Africa in a couple of weeks! I have decided to put life on hold for that. She is the one person that understands how my brain works so we always have a good time when our brain comes back together.
On another note, everyone seems to want to know whats going on with my love life as of late...well...its alive i guess, but I'm definitely not rushing into anything, or making any serious commitments. I need to take some time and refocus my priorities (thanks for the advice, G). I also got a phone call last night from a friend I hadnt heard from in a while. I really appreciated it. It was good to hear in unfamiliar voice and she really showed some concern for what was going on in my life.

In other news, CHELLO from BET's ComicView will be hosting the UF BGE STEP SHOW!!!! Get your tickets now, it will definitely be worth it! FEATURING DJ TERRAH on the 1's & 2's!!! Its goin down Nov. 11th! ok...enough advertising.
GodFatherly advice: Find God's purpose for your life and attack it wholeheartedly until you die. At least you'll be right.